The Museu del Bosc i la Pagesia (Forest and Peasant Life Museum) is set in an old country house, Can Mainou, which was donated in 1993 by Joan Mainou Fornés through a lifetime loan to the City Council. The conversion into a museum was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Department of Governance of the Government Catalonia within the framework of the Viure al Poble Més (Living in the Country More) programme, aimed at urban regeneration and driving tourism in the municipality. The museum opened on 26 November 2016.
The museum emphasises the municipality’s collective memory, showcasing its agricultural past with a collection of forestry and farm tools as well as photographs and audiovisuals of residents from those times.
The museum’s collection is split over two floors devoted to the forest, nature and agriculture.
The ground floor spotlights agriculture: life and values in the countryside, the tools farmers used and technical advances, cereals and vines. In the museum’s outside courtyard visitors can see a collection about draft animals, including information about what they were used for and the materials and parts of the cart.
Open Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m.