Cànoves i Samalús


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Cànoves i Samalús, two well differentiated personalities, where breath forests and fields, brooks and farms which shape a landscape that captivates your senses and wraps you up in a great beauty environment.

Nature and culture, history and tradition accompanied also of an excellent gastronomic offer which configures our heritage. This is a village integrated in the Natural Park of Montseny that is Reservation of the Biosphere and has the distinction of the European charter of Sustainable Tourism.

This treasure, provides Cànoves i Samalús of an unique and closed space to enjoy it in thousands ways: trekking, BTT routes, horse-riding routes, gastronomic itineraries, visits to its historic and cultural heritage as the Iberian village of Puig del Castell, the neogothic hermitage of Saint Salvador de Terrades, the Romanic churches of Saint Andreu de Samalús and Saint Muç de Cànoves, its Iberian ovens and others natural places worthy to be visited. In a more popular side, can’t miss famous events like its fairs and markets as Saint Ponç and the showcoaling which become every two years… Cànoves i Samalús has a wide range of places and activities to live and experiment with to be charmed by.

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Masia Can Casademunt, s/n, Cànoves, Barcelona, España.

Contact information

Telefon 938710018

Web http://www.canovesisamalus.cat/