The European Charter of Sustainable Tourism (CETS)


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The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (CETS) is a management tool that helps protected areas to continuously improve in the development of tourism activity, taking into account the needs of the environment, the local population and local tourism businesses.

The CETS was born with the idea of ​​guaranteeing that the public use of the Natural Park develops in a way compatible with the conservation of the territory, while minimizing the negative impacts that tourism can have, as well as to contribute to the local socio-economic development that generates the tourist activity

The Charter is structured around 5 fundamental principles:

1) Give priority to conservation. A fundamental priority for the development and management of sustainable tourism is to protect the area’s natural and cultural heritage and increase awareness, awareness and appreciation of it.
2) Contribute to sustainable development. Sustainable tourism must follow the principles of sustainable development, which means addressing all aspects of its environmental, social and economic impact in the short and long term.
3) Involve all the agents involved. All agents involved in sustainable tourism should participate in decisions about its development and management, and work in partnership should be encouraged.
4) Plan sustainable tourism effectively. The development and management of sustainable tourism must be guided by a well-established plan that sets out agreed objectives and actions.
5) Promote continuous improvement. Tourism development and management must provide continuous improvement in sustainable environmental impacts, visitor satisfaction, economic performance, local prosperity and quality of life, which require regular monitoring and reporting on progress and results. .

El Bellver
Montseny Natural Park, Biosphere Reserve – Photografy:

Alberg rural Casanova de Sant MiquelAiguafreda
Can Candelich (Bar i restaurant)Cànoves i Samalús
La Tavella (Fundació Viver de Bell-lloc)Cànoves i Samalús
Escola de Natura la Rectoria de VallcàrqueraFigaró-Montmany
APRÈN, Serveis Ambientals, SLFigaró-Montmany
Can Lluís (Fundació Viver de Bell-lloc)Fogars de Montclús
La Fonda del MontsenyMontseny
Apartaments Cal FerrerMontseny
ADEMC, itineraris pedagògics del MontsenyMontseny
Hotel SomlomSant Esteve de Palautordera
Alberg rural El PolellSant Pere de Vilamajor
Aula d’entorn rural Can TurróSanta Maria de Palautordera
El BellverTagamanent

For further information